Evidence limits and types
Find out more about our medical and financial evidence limits and the types of medical evidence we might ask for.
Why we ask for evidence
We’ll automatically ask for some types of medical evidence from your client if they’re a certain age or if they request a certain level of cover – even if they have no known medical conditions. This is so we can apply the correct terms, based on complete and accurate information at the application stage.
Automatic evidence also protects your client if they need to claim, because we’ll factor any increased risks into the cost of their cover.
How to use our interactive medical limits tool in OLP Connect
You can use our Pre-sale Underwriting tool in OLP Connect to get an indication of terms for medical limits.
Speak to a Pre-sale Underwriter
Need more help? You can contact our team in two ways.
Call us
You can call our Pre-sale Underwriting team on 0370 333 3699.
We’re open Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 5.00pm and Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm.
We may record and monitor calls. Call charges will vary.
Contact us
Get a fast and accurate indication of terms with our Pre-sale Underwriting form, available to you any time.
Just fill in your client’s details, and one of our Pre-sale Underwriters will email you an indication of terms.
Types of medical evidence
Application form
Declaration of Health
Simple Financial Information (SFI)
Personal Assurance Questionnaire (PAQ)
Business Assurance Questionnaire (BAQ)
Telemedical Interview (TMI)
Targeted Reports
Patient Health Report (PHR)
Specific Medical Reports (SMR)
General Practitioner’s Report (GPR)
Health Check Nurse – Full Screening (also known as a Nurse Screening Examination [NSE])
Health Check Nurse –Mini Screening (Also known as a Nurse Screening Examination [NSE])
Health Check Doctor (also known as a Medical Examination Report [MER])
Checking Your Details form for clients
Checking Your Details (CYD) forms are sent to your client once a policy number is produced.
The form includes all possible amendments that have been made since the application was submitted. Only risk information is shown to your client.
It’s important your client checks the information and makes any amends. Amendments can potentially cause the terms to change, which may delay the application going on risk. An underwriter will review any amends.
To reduce the chance of this happening, please double check the following before submitting the application:
- The spelling of your client’s name
- Their date of birth
- Their occupation details
- The document is signed and dated
Depending on the stage of the application there may be:
- No change to the decision – a letter is issued to the client thanking them for the information and that there is no change to the decision.
- New decision made – if the application has been authorised it will be reissued with the new terms,
- If the application has not been authorised the new terms are applied and we’ll send a new offer letter.
- Further information required – an underwriter reviews the information and decides if further investigation is needed.
If the case has been authorised, we’ll send a letter to your client telling them we need further information and will maintain cover for 60 days whilst we carry out this review. However, if we can’t obtain the information within this time period at the end of the 60 days, the policy will be cancelled.
If the case hasn’t been authorised, we’ll write to your client telling them the original decision has been removed and the underwriting process restarted.
Types of medical tests
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) test
A blood sample test is required as part of age sum assured evidence, or based on your client’s answers to application questions. Whenever possible we will not tell you that your client is required to undergo an HIV test.
Please read our HIV policy for more details.
Cotinine test
We request a urine analysis when a non-smoking client is required to undergo an examination either as part of age sum assured evidence or due to a medical disclosure they have made.
The test can distinguish between passive and active smoking.
Electrocardiograph (ECG)
Normally requested as part of larger age sum assured evidence. An ECG measures the electrical activity of the heart. It’s a valuable tool in detecting past and present problems relating to the heart. The test is performed during exercise using a treadmill.
Blood tests
Usually requested for larger sums assured but can also be requested if the underwriter requires further clarification. The test can include many tests such as liver function tests, lipids, renal function test, full blood count and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c).
HIV policy
We continue to follow the Association of British Insurers (ABI) latest Guiding Principles for HIV and Life Insurance, dated July 2016.
The guiding principles are voluntary, set out industry good practice and have been developed by the ABI in consultation with its members and relevant stakeholders.
Read the most recent statement of guiding principles for HIV and Life Insurance PDF size: 168KB
Key points
Requirements for a HIV test
Underwriting considerations
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BMI and lifestyle
Find out how we rate your client’s BMI limits and lifestyle.